Secure and Safe Embedded Software for Modern Devices

Industry Overview
Semiconductor chips are at the core of many things we see around us – from game consoles, mobile devices, smart meters, automotive vehicles – to aircrafts, industrial equipments, and mission critical systems in space & defense. Due to mass adoption of consumer electronic devices, IoT equipment in home and industrial settings and automotives – semiconductors continue to see a growth with over a trillion of them sold worldwide annually.
Challenges encountered in this sector
As the number of semiconductors used worldwide continues to grow, there are some serious challenges when it comes to the security and safety of the millions of devices these semiconductors are a part of.
Security threats to devices
Vulnerabilities in the low-level software components in the chipsets can expose these devices to security threats that can have serious consequences, including exploits at the firmware level, leading to security breaches and unauthorized access to the devices and systems.
Meeting Customer Demands
Due to the growing numbers of consumer electronic devices and transportation systems that semiconductors are used in, customer demands for greater safety and security are also growing.
Managing growing software volume
With more and more devices using semiconductor technology comes more and more software and more complex functions that need to be written, necessitating an efficient development process to keep up with demand.
TrustInSoft Analyzer mathematically proves the absence of bugs in semiconductor software

Reach high quality, defect-free software to meet customer expectations
TrustInSoft Analyzer provides an “X-Ray view” of the code that helps the developer understand what happens at each step of program execution. Better understanding of the code allows to write better code and avoid bugs that can lead to program misbehaviors, helping increase customer confidence.

Secure your code against vulnerabilities
TrustInSoft Analyzer delivers bulletproof security to semiconductor manufacturers by detecting critical firmware vulnerabilities early in the development cycle; and providing a mathematical guarantee on absence of undefined behaviors in the low-level software components.

Manage software volume and reduce time to market
Achieve faster Time to Market thanks to the 40 x reduction in bug detection time. Plus, use TrustInSoft Analyzer to reach coding standards like MISRA-C and CERT-C by guaranteeing the absence of undefined behaviors, the most challenging part of standard compliance.

Tackling the size and the complexity of C code we had to review was not an easy task. It was even quite ambitious when we started this project. TrustInSoft provided to us not only the right tool powered by Formal Methods, which gave us the correctness guarantee level we needed, but also an outstanding hyper-reactive support that allowed MERCE to Get the Job Done.
David Mentré
Research Manager, MERCE

Learn more about our product
Mathematically prove C and C++ code quality and maximize code safety and security with TrustInSoft Analyzer.
Discover our productRead our white paper on how exhaustive static analysis proves TEE security

Reading this white paper you’ll learn:
- Why a TEE must be perfectly reliable and impervious to attack
- The challenges of properly validating a TEE
- Why traditional software testing will fail to validate your TEE
- Why formal methods are ideal for validating code that needs to be perfect
- How exhaustive static analysis guarantees trust in your TEE
- How exhaustive static analysis will fit easily into your existing development process
- The major benefits of exhaustive static analysis
- What to look for when choosing an exhaustive static analysis solution and much more.